Estimation of Weibull Parameters for Wind Energy Application in Al Shihabi City

Karar K. Kraem, Amani I. Altmimi, Thaer O. Roomi

Keywords: Weibull parameters, shape and scale parameter, maximum likelihood method, Al-Shihab


Wind energy is environmentally friendly and low-cost energy compared to other renewable energy technologies and is easily exploited by different users. Al-Shihabi ia a city with high potential wind resources. The aim of the research is to assess the mean winds and Weibull parameters such as shape parameter and scale parameter. The assessment helps in understanding the wind behavior for the application of the wind energy project. Field data for year 2019 were collected at an interval of 10 minutes at altitudes of 50 and 100 meters. Then the data was analyzed using the statistical Weibull distribution function. The annual average of monthly means at 50 m and 100 m heights are 5.04 m/s and 5.56 m/s, respectively. While the annual average of monthly maximum winds at 50 m and 100 m heights were 13.65 m/s and 15.05 m/s. The larger values were in summer months. The mean wind speed and maximum wind speed values suggest that Al-Shihabi City is a promising site to install a wind farm.

Estimating Weibull distribution parameters showed for 50 m and 100 heights that the annual average of monthly values of shape parameter and scale parameter were 5.6840, and 2.4035, respectively. At 100 m height, It was found that the annual average of monthly values of shape parameter, scale parameter were 6.2634 and 2.3215, respectively. It can also be noted that the values of parameters are higher in summer than in winter. It was found that the Weibull distribution is applicable to describe the probability density of wind speed.