Analysis and Study of the Electrical Properties of Nano ZnO.Cu/Al Schottky Diode

Zainab Kadhom Hamzh1

Department of Physics, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Keywords: Schottky diode,, ZnO.Cu, bar-coating method, ideality factor


Schottky diode (semiconductor/metal) ZnO.Cu/Al was prepared by using the bar-coating method to prepare films of ZnO.Cu on aluminum substrate. Powders of zinc oxide doped with copper were previously prepared with different Cu doping ratios. These powders were characterized using X-ray diffraction showed the have a polycrystalline structure, and also using a field emission scanning electron microscope to confirm the morphology of the prepared powders, which it turned out to be nanostructures with a relatively uniform distribution. The properties of the prepared Schottky diode were studied, and the diode parameters were calculated, including voltage barrier, saturation current, ideality factor, and rectification factor through the relationship between current and voltage at forward and reverse bias as a function to the different Cu doping ratio and the best rectification factor was 4.91at highest Cu doping ratio.