Measurement of Electron temperature (Te) and Electron density (ne) Cold Plasma Jets Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) Method

Basim A. Zachi1 Ziad M. Abood2, Abdulhussain A. Khadayeir3

Physics Department, College of Education, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Keywords: cold plasma jets, plasma diagnostics, electron density, Optical Emission Spectroscopy.


The electron density (ne) and temperature (Te) of the cold argon plasma jets are determined at normal atmospheric pressure using the Stark expansion analysis method for two emission lines. This method depends on the Stark expansion for different lines having unlike lines depending on both the electron temperature (Te) and the electron density(ne). So, the expansion processes for comparison between two or even more lines let us determine both the electron temperature and electron density at the same time. In this study, these parameters which include both electron density (ne) also its temperature (Te) were calculated at a constant frequency (75 KHz), a constant gas flow rate (50 l/h), and sinusoidal alternating voltages (12, 16, 20) KV, at different times (10, 20, 30) sec. The results shows that increasing the potential difference leads to a rise in the electron temperature (Te), Also, it was found that the electronic density (ne) increased when the alternating voltage increased and for all times.