High Output Power Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser at 2100 nm
Fatma Ayad Raghb
Abdulkareem Hussain Dagher
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47831/mjpas.v2i3.240
Keywords: Holmium, Fiber lasers, High Output Power, laser efficiency, Fiber length
A theoretical model of three levels describing Holmium-doped fiber lasers pumped by Laser-diodes 1150nm is present. Based on the model, efficiency as well as output power depend on the length of active media, are investigate, using the MATLAB program (R 2019 a). The results shows that output power and efficiency of optical fibers are exponential inverse relationship with increment fiber length, for 1m output power have highest value 100.4W, while efficiency have 44.6% at 0.05m.