Influence Air Temperature and Precipitation on Climate Change in Baghdad City

Ghufran Hassoon A

Ahmed S. Hassan

Keywords: Climate change, temperature, precipitation, agriculture, Baghdad city


Changes in climate indicate both continuity and variability in the regime from year to year. Especially for air temperature (AT) and precipitation in recent years, the climate system has changed very rapidly since the Industrial Revolution. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which recently updated the ERA-5 version, was the main source of data and made available as a monthly dataset. The study period of 30 years has been divided into 3 periods: Its results were that AT in the first period had begun to rise linearly(0.18K) while on the contrary for precipitation they decreased significantly(-0.42mm/day), while the second period increased the rise in AT(0.20K) with an increase in precipitation decrease(-0.43mm/day), and 2010 was the year in which AT were recorded the most as(299k) a result of increasing gas emissions and human activity, and this made it the least year for precipitation(4.2mm/day), and the third period was also increasing AT (0.28k)with a decrease in precipitation rates(-0.05mm/day), except 2018 which was a rainy year with a high precipitation rate as(10.3mm/day) a result of sandstorms and thunderstorms in it.