ISSN: 2957-9910
Mustansiriyah Journal of Pure and applied sciences was firstly commission in 2022. A quarterly journal that publishes four issues per year.
The journal publishes academic and applied papers dealing with recent topics and scientific concepts. Papers considered for publication in Mathematic, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Geology. Accepted papers will be freely downloaded by professors, researchers, instructors, students, and interested workers.
Mustansiriyah Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences is an open access journal, therefore there are no fees required for downloading any publication from the journal website by authors, readers, and institutions. The journal applies the license of CC BY (a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license). For more information, please follow the link
The journal is also supported by the College of Education , Mustansiriyah University.
Design Sequential Hybrid Lightweight Algorithms For Encryption Data Using RC6 Algorithm
Mohammed Taha, Khalid Ali Hussein
Reliability Estimation for Inverted Kumaraswamy Distribution: A Simulation Study
Zainab Saddi, Makki A. Mohammed Salih
A Weibull Distribution Modified Using Fourier transformation
dr.taghreed Ali, amani al-tmimi, Hala A.Abed
Hybrid Algorithm (DES-Present) for encryption image color using 2D-Chaotic System
Suha Husam, Haider Kadhim Hoomod, Khalid Ali Hussein
juliet kadum, Jamal Mustafa Al-Tuwaijar, Amaal Kadum, Sadam Hameed Rasheed
Jafar Salih, Salah Mehdi Salih
مصطفى حسين موسى, أ.م.د مزهر باقر صالح , أ.د. اسماعيل عبدالله اخلاطي
fractional optimal control of systems using Bernoulli wavelets
Murtaza Mohssen, Masood Rodaki
Nanofibers of PMMA/TiO2 Produced by Electrospinning
Nadia Salloomi, Nuha Hussien Ali, Hiba S. Rasheed, Tariq J. Alwan
Structural and optical properties of black silicon prepared by wet chemical etching
Abdullah S. Abdulhameed, Hasan A. Hadi, Raid A. Ismail
SEM,XRD,FTIR Synthesis and Characterization of Diopside Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery by sol-gel
Muayad Raheem, Mahmood Rezaee Roknabadi, Ahmad Kompany
Diagnosis of heart disease using clinical data of cardiac patients
Evan Abed alelah, Babak Karasfi
Applications of KKAT Transform Technique in Convolution Kind Linear Volterra Operator Equations
Emad A. Kuffi, Ahmed Mahdi Abbood
Coherent system reliability stress-strength model of chen distribution
Ali Mutair Attia, Nada Sabah Karam, Saad Shakir mahmood
Haidar M. Talib, Dr. Ali A. Yousif, Dr. Adel H. Omran Alkhayatt
Review article Maternal hypothyroidism during pregnancy
Fadhel Mohammed Lafta, Ban Jasim Mohamad, Bassam K. Abdul Ameer, Fadhel Mohammed Lafta